New book proves effective communication can be on the tip of anyone’s tongue

With most people sighing at the sight of yet another PowerPoint presentation, Phillip Adcock and Ian Callow aim to improve everyone’s mundane public speaking skills and turn people into effective masters of communication with their book “The Presenter’s Handbook”
(PR NewsChannel) / September 26, 2012 / LONDON 

The Presenter's Handbook

"The Presenter's Handbook" can teach readers how to improve their public speaking skills and provide more effective communication both in and away from work.

Giving presentations and communicating with authority are public speaking skills expected by every employer in the current business climate. However, with thirty million new PowerPoint presentations being created every day, not everyone can hold the floor with a tight grip. Wanting to whip these speaking stalwarts into shape, Phillip Adcock and Ian Callow today announced the launch of their new book: “The Presenter’s Handbook”.

Calling on over sixty years of combined experience, the two business communications psychologists and communication experts showcase a vast range of effective communication strategies and methods that are poised to completely transform the way individuals speak in public, deliver presentations and communicate in all walks of their life.

“Whether you are selling, educating, informing, sharing or even preaching, the contents of ‘The Presenter’s Handbook’ will transform your presentation skills and communication ability, starting immediately” says Phillip Adcock. “You’ll be able to powerfully apply the lessons not only when you present, but in many other communications-related aspects of your life, such as any time that you meaningfully interact with other human beings face-to-face.”

The book’s step-by-step approach also tackles some of the fundamental issues holding back even the most confident speaker from reaching their full potential. The book offers public speaking skills and strategies such as converting nerves into positive, charismatic energy and discloses secrets on how to embed your words permanently into the minds of an audience. “The Presenter’s Handbook” is anyone and everyone’s guide to presenting success.

The authors have a solid foundation in the bedrock of their subject that adds to the credibility of their book. Phillip Adcock brings over thirty years of human behavioral research to the podium. Combined with Ian Callow’s decades of experience as a director of training, with client lists including some of the top Fortune 500 companies and government agencies, both contributors lay out a definitive and valid roadmap to increasing the skills of any presenter’s ability to provide effective communication.

“Readers will find that so many parts of their existing presenting strategy do work, and work well. However, this book will help them discover and correct the weak links in their own chain; the areas causing the entire process to malfunction,” says Callow. “By utilizing the mentioned strategies, everyone will turn the final page ready to walk into their next presentation and engage their audience with gusto.”

Both Callow and Adcock acknowledge that their book isn’t alone on the communication shelves of bookstores. However, Adcock explains that “The Presenter’s Handbook” is different from other titles currently on the market by identifying how his and Callow’s research has identified a dearth of titles that bring together PowerPoint and public speaking skills, particularly in respect of the effectiveness of the communication being presented and received. .

“The Presenter’s Handbook” is produced entirely in the UK, and is available to order from most book shops in both the United Kingdom and globally via UK based Internet retailers and Paperback ISBN 9780957190900, RRP $16.77 (£9.99):  Hardback ISBN 978-0957190917, RRP $30.99 (£14.24):  Kindle $9.57 (£5.98).

About the Authors: Phillip Adcock is a leading authority on people’s behaviour. With more than 30 years of human behavioural research, he has developed a unique ability to identify what it is that makes people tick, both psychologically and physiologically. He works in an advantageous position of not being constrained within any particular brain science field. Moreover, Phillip has developed his skills by combining the teachings of experts on numerous aspects of neuroscience, psychology and emotion within his professional role of helping leading brands and retailers better understand how to communicate with their customers.

Ian Callow is an experienced director of training, which has developed his interpersonal communication skills, in conjunction with an increased understanding of a presenter’s physiology and psychology. Ian has presented and trained thousands of delegates within an array of industry sectors including corporate, MOD, police, NHS and education. This wide breadth of people experience is what developed Ian’s interest in the subjects of psychology and physiology and how it can be applied to the training environment.

Philip Adcock
Phone:   (+44)  1827 56970

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SOURCE:  Phillip Adcock

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