Claiming in a court filing that several online accounts belonging to Seth Rich have been deleted in recent weeks, The Profiling Project, a private, nonpartisan and independent investigative unit, filed an emergency motion to require police to “preserve, protect and properly organize the all-important online information of Seth Rich.”
Attorney/lobbyist Jack Burkman, who’s funding an independent investigation into the July killing of Democratic National Committee (DNC) staffer Seth Rich, filed the court action on behalf of The Profiling Project.
The emergency motion, filed in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, follows a separate lawsuit the group filed late last month against the MPD to force the release of critical evidence regarding the Rich murder. Burkman sued MPD on behalf of The Profiling Project for the release of video footage and the medical examiner and ballistic reports.
In this emergency motion, The Profiling Project says the matter is urgent and is asking for an immediate hearing.
“Seth Rich’s Twitter account has recently been deleted… Seth Rich’s Facebook page has recently been deleted… and… Seth Rich’s Reddit account (MeGRIMLOCK) has recently been edited and some of its postings deleted,” the motion says. “Little is more critical to the investigation of this murder than this online information that could lead to the determination of a motive for the murder. Most of the current working theories of the case may be disproven or enhanced by examining Seth Rich’s online information. Regrettably, some of this information is now lost due to the apparent spoliation of MPD. MPD must now be forced by this Court to act swiftly and decisively to preserve evidence.”
The emergency filing comes days after the group released an 80-page report containing its preliminary findings. Among them: the killing was not random, as police have long claimed.
The conduct of the MPD has been troubling to him, says Burkman, since day one.
“The way police are handling this investigation is far from normal,” says Burkman who is a lawyer himself and acting as legal counsel. “The police have been withholding evidence they’re required to release and routinely release publicly in an effort to find killers. Yet they aren’t in the Seth Rich case. Why?
“And now online evidence is being deleted.”
Seth Rich is the DNC staffer who was found murdered in Bloomingdale, a neighborhood within Washington D.C., in July of 2016. His connection to the DNC and numerous accusations and theories surrounding political handlings of the 2016 presidential election have made this a high-profile case. Conspiracy theories, multiple investigations and worldwide media attention pressure those in charge to find Rich’s killer.
The Profiling Project, led by Kevin Doherty and Jennifer Rohrer, Ph.D, is one of the largest private and independent criminal investigations in history. Staffed by volunteers from The Student Association for Forensic Psychology (SAFP) at George Washington University, it operates from an undisclosed location to bring anyone responsible for the murder of Seth Rich to justice. From robbery gone wrong to a Trump-Russia connection, the project is actively investigating every proposed theory.
Jack Burkman is a Washington D.C. based political consultant, radio talk show host and founder/president of JM Burkman & Associates, a lobbying firm. Shortly after the murder of Seth Rich, Burkman personally offered $100,000 to anyone with information leading to the arrest of his killer. Following a brief campaign with the help of Rich’s family, Burkman launched, an information and tip line, then launched The Profiling Project in March 2017. With the help of continued donations and resources the reward has reached $130,000, the highest reward ever offered for a homicide.
To download a copy of the full Profiling Project report, visit or download here: Jack – SRich 6-14-2017 filing
In Washington:
Glenn Selig
PR firm: The Publicity Agency
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Adam Farragut
PR firm: The Publicity Agency
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SOURCE: The Profiling Project
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