The Sum is a non-profit (501c3) that is launching a month-long crowdfunding campaign to raise 59k to produce and disseminate a web-course designed for white people called Dismantling Racism from the Inside Out (
“This web-course will break new ground in three major ways,” says Co-Executive Director, J. Elliott Cisneros, “First, it’s designed specifically to meet the needs of white people–based on the stories, concerns, patterns, struggles, and confusion we have heard in our workshops over many years. Second, the course is individualized. Our experience and research has taught us that we are all at very different places related to issues of race and racism. This course will allow participants to determine their needs and interests through a brief questionnaire and then The Sum’s educational software will automatically provide a series of tailored supportive learning modules. Lastly, while many people might be interested in doing this work, workshops and trainings can be cost and time prohibitive. This web-course will make the work accessible to everyone on a sliding scale.”
Dr. Carla Sherrell, The Sum’s other Co-Executive Director says “The web format will provide an opportunity for participants to work in their own time and space. They will have a chance to ask questions and share their stories, explore communication models, some history, and any underlying feelings of guilt, fear, anger, and grief–all essential foundations necessary before cross-racial bridges can be effectively built. Participants will develop a deepened value for racial difference, increased communication skills, greater clarity about who they are, and a better understanding of their impact across race. Wherever you are in relationship to race, this web course will provide you with critical content and experiences to support you in doing the work to dismantle racism and a racialized world.”
“In some ways issues of race in 2015 are different than 50 years ago. In other ways they are the same–only mutated. Like so many white ancestors did historically as part of the abolition movement here in the United States and voter registration in the 60’s in the South, white people today can take action to help cultivate an environment where meaningful change is possible…and it begins by working on me. This not only serves the greater community, it gives me an increased sense of connection to my own integrity, strength, and gifts.”
The Sum has facilitated diversity workshops since its inception in 2006 in education, business, government, and human services. Naomi Tutu, daughter of Nobel peace laureate Desmond Tutu is quoted on The Sum’s website as saying, “These offerings of The Sum are the finest I have seen in my years of doing this work.” The Sum’s mission is “to unleash the power of our differences: race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ability, ethnicity, and socio-economic class.”
People are invited to support the campaign in two ways. “First, give a donation! A thousand dollars or just one, if that’s what you can,” says Cisneros, “And second, share the crowdfunding link with your networks through Facebook, email, tweeting, texting, and carrier pigeon!” Because The Sum is a non-profit all donations are tax deductible.
Dr. Sherrell says, “So many people wonder what they can do about racism and our racialized society. Just by supporting this crowdfunding campaign, you can do something that is profoundly meaningful and help to unleash the power of our differences for a world where no one stands alone!”
The campaign will run from October 16th to November 16th. To donate, visit, or find more details at
J. Elliott Cisneros
PHONE: 315-775-7538
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