Tampa to Host The World’s Largest Swimming Lesson

(PR NewsChannel) / June 8, 2016 / TAMPA, Fla. 

Ahead of the Summer swim season the City of Tampa Parks and Recreation Department’s Aquatic Team will conduct the World’s Largest Swimming Lesson on Friday, June 24 at five Tampa pool locations. Registrations start at 9:15 and the lesson begins at 10 a.m. The lesson is free and open to all ages.

The five locations are:

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Pool
2200 N. Oregon Ave

Spicola Family Pool
2615 Corrine St.

Cyrus Greene Pool
2101 E. Dr. MLK Jr Blvd

Copeland Pool
110001 N. 15th St.

Loretta Ingraham Pool
1611 N. Hubert St.

Grab a towel and join the fun. Be prepared and safe for the summer. Swimming lessons saves lives.

Contact: Robby Menendez

Direct link:  https://prnewschannel.com/2016/06/08/tampa-to-host-the-worlds-largest-swimming-lesson/

SOURCE:  City of Tampa

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