E!’s groundbreaking new documentary series, “I Am Cait,” delivered a combined audience of 4.6M total unique viewers in L3s across its three airings on Sunday, August 2. The L3 average for “I Am Cait” airing Sunday from 8-9pm showed tremendous lifts over LS results, including +61% lift in total viewers with 2.1M, +80% lift in P18-49 with 1.3M, +87% Lift in P18-34 with 761K , +86% lift in W18-49 with 1.0M, and almost doubling with the highly-coveted W18-34 audience (+94%, 604K).
For the second consecutive week, “I Am Cait” ranked as the #1 program for the night among W18-49 and W18-34 while ranking as a top 5 destination among A18-49 (#5) and A18-34 (#3), against all ad-supported cable.
“I Am Cait” tells Caitlyn Jenner’s intimate story living her life as a transgender woman as she seeks out her “new normal.” Living for the first time as the person she feels she was born to be, the series explores what Cait’s transition means for the people in her life, while offering a better understanding of many of life’s challenges for the trans community. “I Am Cait” is produced by Bunim/Murray Productions, and airs internationally in 153 countries and in 24 languages.
About E! Entertainment
E! is the only global, multiplatform brand for all things pop culture. The network is currently available to 98 million cable and satellite subscribers in the U.S. Eonline delivers breaking entertainment news and in-depth coverage on television, movies, music, celebrities, fashion, beauty and lifestyle. One of the fastest-growing, most influential digital properties, Eonline is a leader in online video and mobile and a leading entertainment brand across social. E! programming includes core franchises “E! News,” “The Soup” and “Fashion Police,” popular series “Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” “Total Divas,” “#RichKidsof Beverly Hills,” “Botched,” “House of DVF,” “I Am Cait,” and “Stewarts & Hamiltons,” as well as the network’s first original scripted series “The Royals.” Additionally, E!’s “Live from the Red Carpet” signature events keep fans connected to their favorite stars on pop culture’s biggest nights. E! is a network of NBCUniversal Cable Entertainment, a division of NBCUniversal, one of the world’s leading media and entertainment companies in the development, production, and marketing of entertainment, news and information to a global audience.
E! Entertainment is a division of NBCUniversal, one of the world’s leading media and entertainment companies. For more corporate information, visit www.nbcuniversal.com.
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SOURCE: NBCUniversal
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