Huckabee demanded that President Obama speak out against the kidnapping and to condemn the incident which has gripped Israel for two weeks.
“I wouldn’t send out some third-tier State Department spokesman with an absolutely embarrassing quote saying we hope both sides will show restraint,” Huckabee said. “One side is a kidnapped child. The other side is a kidnapper. There are only two sides here – evil and good.”
He said he wanted to show the families there are Americans who are care and are paying attention.
“I went to offer support, to give them strength,” Huckabee told reporters, “and I went away with them giving me strength. They are a remarkable family, a family of faith, and their faith gives them a real sense of optimism.”
Mike Huckabee and Social Media
He was photographed holding a sign that said, “#bringbackourboys,” a photo clearly meant to post on social media with hopes of going viral.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu believes the Islamist Hamas movement, which controls the Gaza Strip, is responsible for the kidnappings which came days after a new unity government formed between Hamas, and Fatah.
“Any American who values freedom and hates terrorism has to feel appalled at the unity government – Hamas is a terrorist organization,” Huckabee told The Media Line. “The moment the deal was signed the US should have made sure that was the last dime given to this government. It is beyond my understanding why the world has not condemned this government.”
He said he was disappointed with the UN response to the kidnapping as well.
“The UN has become a forum for anti-Semitic hatred and bigotry, and for, frankly, anti-American hatred and bigotry,” Huckabee said. “This may be one of those times: get out the jackhammers, jackhammer that thing right off the edge of Manhattan, float it into the East River and invite anybody who’d like it to come and take it and tow it home.”
While in Israel, Huckabee also spoke to the Knesset.
There are “long lines to condemn, criticize and even destroy Israel,” said Huckabee, but the line of those aware that the “only explanation for Israel’s existence is God’s providence is a very short one, and since I always like to get in very short lines, I don’t mind being in the very front of that line.”
SOURCE: Marc P. Brown
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