Crowdfunding expert Kendall Almerico, the CEO of, recently revealed another secret to crowdfunding success. Almerico explained that crowdfunding projects that are built by a team of people, rather than one individual, have a greater chance of success. Almerico released his five ways to build a successful team to create and market your crowdfunding project.
“Most people try to fund ClickStartMe projects on their own, and many are successful,” Almerico said. “Taking the initiative and showing off your entrepreneurial spirit is all well and good, but building a team to help you gives you a greater chance at success.”
Almerico notes that crowdfunding projects involving a team typically raise more money, and have a better chance of success faster than their individual counterparts.
“Given that crowdfunding projects are often primarily funded by friends, family and those within the creator’s sphere of influence, having a team means more friends, family and others to ask for donations,” Almerico points out. “Logically, the more people involved with your project, the more people you will be able to approach about funding, and the greater likelihood of success.”
Here are Almerico’s five tips to building a good crowdfunding team:
1. Pick teammates with a large network. Who brings the most Facebook friends, Twitter followers and LinkedIn connections to the table? That person is a good teammate. Who has a large e-mail list they can blast out information to in a short period of time? Your new teammate, that’s who.
2. Pick teammates who know how to use social media and who are online a lot. “We all have a buddy with 2,000 Facebook “friends” who posts what he ate for breakfast every day,” Almerico notes. “That guy is probably not as good as your friend who has 300 Facebook friends, but they all engage in daily conversations with her.” Almerico points out that a teammate with 1,000 Twitter followers who never tweets, is not as good as someone who has 50 Twitter followers and actively tweets, retweets and follows Twitter on his cell phone all day long.
3. Beware of overlapping networks. Your best friend who has the same Facebook friends as you, and who runs in your same social circle, is probably not the best teammate, at least, not in terms of broadening your network of possible supporters. Look for teammates who have new groups of people they can bring to the table, to supplement the network you have already tapped.
4. Bring in teammates who will actually help. Is that woman with 500,000 Twitter followers that your neighbor’s best friend’s mother-in-law introduced you to once 6 months ago a good teammate? Probably not, unless you somehow engage her in the process. She may have access to a lot of people, but will she have any reason to help you? Will she interact with her followers for you, or just post something once and then ignore it? The best teammates are those who will work their contacts and follow up with them for you.
5. Create a game plan and stick to it. Teamwork involves everyone pulling their weight, and sticking to a plan. Before you launch your crowdfunding project, divide up the responsibilities and get organized. Be sure everyone knows what they are supposed to do and when they are supposed to do it. Then, be sure to follow through with the game plan.
Crowdfunding expert Kendall Almerico is the CEO of, the upstart crowdfunding site that “puts the fun in crowdfunding” and is a JOBS Act expert. For more information or to schedule an interview with Kendall Almerico, e-mail or call 813.410.4658.
Tess Hottenroth
[email protected]
(813) 410-4658

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