What is Press Release Distribution?

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Press release distribution is a method used by companies and individuals to send newsworthy or noteworthy items to members of the media and to the public. Press release distribution is also an effective way to increase exposure online, build links to websites and boost website rankings.

Press releases are created and distributed to control the message companies or individuals want to send to the public.

What is a Press Release Distribution Service?

A press release distribution service is a company, such as PR NewsChannel, that sends press releases to the news media and/or online.

PR NewsChannel has a database of 450,000 news reporters, producers and editors that we regularly update to make sure client press releases are being sent to the right people in each news organization. Our list is more exhaustive, more up-to-date and we have emails and access to individuals who usually carefully guard their emails so they are not bombarded with pitches and press releases.

PR NewsChannel is trusted with this information, because we surgically prepare our distribution lists to include only those members of the news media who would be interested in receiving the press release distribution.