Ohio labor supporters defiant in face of Missouri House’s ‘Paycheck Protection’ approval

Ohio labor supporters monitor developments as they battle their own anti-union agenda
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(PR NewsChannel) / April 11, 2014 / COLUMBUS, Ohio  

Workplace Freedom OhioAs Right to Work fights continue across the nation, one prominent battleground has taken a step closer to making the controversial legislation the law of the land.

The Missouri House of Representatives approved the “Paycheck Protection” legislation last week, which prevents automatic deductions of union fees for political purposes.

But by claiming the bill would protect the interests of ordinary workers, the politicians have drawn the ire of labor supporters in the state who have fought against Right to Work from the beginning.

In Ohio, where the Right to Work fight has kept the legislature off the ballot, union supporters are determined to keep their state Right to Work free.

“These ‘Paycheck Protection’ bills are just another way to silence the political voice of hard-working Americans,” says Pat Sink, Ohio’s IUOE Local 18 business manager. “It’s up to labor supporters everywhere to stay vigilant and make sure the public knows this type of legislation doesn’t have their best interest at heart.”

Sink, who has been embroiled in Ohio’s Right to Work battle, is adamant that this type of legislation needs to fail in order for workers to win.

“This legislation preys on the misinformed with attractive names and misleading rhetoric,” said Sink. “It’s the same damaging Right to Work principles that we’ve seen time and time again.”

Passing by a vote of 83-69, the new “Paycheck Protection” bill also requires annual written consent from public employees before any amount could be withheld from their earnings for the payment of any dues, agency shop fees, or other fees paid to public labor organizations.

Although the legislation is having a resurgence, this isn’t the first time “Paycheck Protection,” has made an appearance in Missouri.

Last year, Senate Bill 29, also known as “Paycheck Protection,” was struck down by Gov. Jay Nixon in a last minute veto.

After successfully making it through the Missouri House, the bill is now on its way to the Senate for consideration, where if passed, it would appear on the August ballot for voter approval.

“Supporters of ‘Right to Work,’ ‘Paycheck Protection’ and ‘Workplace Freedom’ thrive on an uneducated public,” said Sink. “The most important thing we can to counteract their progress is to continue to educate the public on the dangers of the movement.”

Opponents of the recent Ohio “Workplace Freedom” bills contend that the initiative’s true purpose is to kill unions and worker protections, ultimately leading to a weaker middle class.

By stripping workers of their rights and freedoms, business owners would be free to lower worker pay, reduce worker benefits and ignore worker rights.

Whether Republicans utilize “Paycheck Protection,” “Workplace Freedom,” or other Right to Work tactics, opponents remain dedicated to ensuring the voting public knows the underlying nature behind the GOP’s divisive agenda.

For more information about Right to Work in Ohio, please visit www.protectohiosmiddleclass.org

Direct link:  https://prnewschannel.com/2014/04/11/ohio-labor-supporters-defiant-in-face-of-missouri-houses-paycheck-protection-approval/

SOURCE:  Keep Ohio's Heritage

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