Porn video offer withdrawal an early sign of Casey Anthony and trouble cashing in?

Despite media coverage of Casey Anthony potentially making money following an acquittal, doing so may be a challenge.
(PR NewsChannel) / July 6, 2011 / ORLANDO, Fla. 


Just hours after asking Casey Anthony to appear in a porn video, Vivid Entertainment withdraws the offer after a public backlash.

Not even Casey Anthony naked and having sex would sell, fears Vivid Entertainment, which prematurely withdrew its offer to Casey Anthony to appear in a porn video.

Vivid Entertainment’s attempt at some cheap exposure with its offer to Casey Anthony apparently backfired.

Vivid is the nation’s largest adult video producer.

Vivid withdrew its offer to have Casey Anthony appear in a sex video just hours after asking her to strip for their cameras.

“It has become obvious to us that Vivid fans, and people in general, want nothing to do with her and that includes a XXX movie,” Vivid Entertainment’s Steve Hirsch said.  “We want to make movies that people want to watch and we now believe that we underestimated the emotional response that people are having to the verdict. A movie starring Casey Anthony is not what people want to see.”

The backlash against this verdict has been fast and fierce, with much of America scratching their heads over how the jury could have rendered a not guilty verdict in Casey Anthony trial.

“Steve Hirsch clearly intended to make headlines with his offer to have Casey Anthony star in a porn video,” says Glenn Selig, founder of The Publicity Agency, (, a crisis management public relations firm.  “Can you imagine what the backlash must have been for Hirsch and Vivid Entertainment to backpedal as quickly as that?”

Even as media outlets speculated about big pay days for Casey Anthony in the hours following the verdict, Selig publicly cautioned that Casey Anthony and her story would be a tough sell.

News and entertainment outlets that may have been tempted to pay money to land the interview clearly fear a huge fallout if it were discovered that they paid any money to Casey Anthony, says Selig.  And that alone may keep them from doing so, he says.

“News outlets want the story no doubt and people will try to figure out how to structure a deal so that it does not appear that Casey Anthony is making any money,” says Selig.  “But if the public perceives she is making money will they boycott the interview or its advertisers?

“We’ve already heard her deny her involvement.  The story that may be worth something is an admission.  But even if she did admit wrongdoing, would anyone believe her since she’s a liar and was being paid?”

Before the trial, ABC paid Casey Anthony $200,000 to license photos and videos which played on ‘Good Morning America’ and other ABC news shows.

That was embarrassing and damaging to ABC News when it became public.

Now anyone seeming as trying to capitalize on the death of a 2-year-old would look even worse, and that includes both the buyer and seller, says Selig.

“Anyone making money is going to look and potentially feel dirty not just Casey Anthony,” says Selig.  “It’s a risk-reward quotient for the buyer and I am not sure that given the potential and high likelihood for backlash that many companies will open themselves to that risk.”

“If Vivid Entertainment could not find a market for a naked Casey Anthony it’s hard to believe that the demand will be there for a Casey Anthony with her clothes on,” Selig adds.


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SOURCE:  Media in the Spotlight

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