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CAT | How to Search Engine Optimize a Press Release

After writing and editing your press release, it is important to make sure you do everything possible for it to take off. Writers should check that the press release contains important keywords for SEO purposes. Once you use a press release distribution company to distribute the release to the right media outlets, the process of [...]

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So, you’ve written and edited your press release to perfection, and now it’s online. Hooray! For some reason though, it’s not receiving any hits. Why not? It’s on a pretty interesting subject, so where’s all of the attention? Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role in attracting online attention for a company, business or [...]

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My first day at my internship with Selig Multimedia has come and gone and it was a success. So what did I gain and walk away with on my first day? Something that is very simple, yet very crucial. I am in my second semester as a junior and had yet to hear the term [...]

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Writing in general is a tough task for some people. But, many people are surprised at how difficult press release writing can be without the proper training. Press release writing needs to follow the same rules as a news article. It’s important to be aware of grammar and AP style rules, because a simple mistake [...]

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There are many ways to get media attention for your story, product or business. Most publicists would agree that the best way to get media attention is to hire a professional with unique connections to the media outlets you want to target. Journalists are notoriously hard to reach, but, there are a few tricks of the trade [...]

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Just one week away from Thanksgiving and it seems that there’s only one thing on retailers’ minds: Christmas. It’s the season of cold weather, hot cocoa, twinkling lights, family, friends and of course, shopping. Whether your consumers celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanza, chances are they are looking for the fastest, greatest, most convenient and most [...]

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Many companies make the mistake of over estimating the success of their product and underestimating the process through which success can be achieved. We want to provide you with effective strategies of a public relations campaign that will help your company grow. Here is a list of do’s and don’ts that can help your company [...]

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The purpose of the press release has evolved over time—now it not only serves to get media attention, but also provides a well written reference for people, not just the press, to read about your company or organization. This includes potential employees or volunteers, consumers, stakeholders or anyone else interested in what you offer. Many [...]

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Companies write and distribute press releases to announce new products or special promotions. Media outlets are flooded with hundreds of these press releases a day. So what can you do to make your release stand out among the rest? Hire a public relations professional. By hiring PR professionals, like PR NewsChannel, you are increasing your [...]

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A press release is a document that is considered a means of advertising a business. It is an announcement or a piece of news that is expected to get media attention so they’ll publish it in their journals, newspapers, websites, etc, which, of course, means that the release will help you get targeted traffic. Writing [...]

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