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CAT | How to Get Media Attention

As a self published author you get to keep most of the profits with the sale of your book. But with that comes the responsibility of doing your own book marketing. “Publishing directly on e-books helps authors bypass traditional publishing costs, increases their chances of publication and enables greater flexibility of content and structure,” writes [...]

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Imagine you’re in an elevator with a journalist, and he or she needs a story idea.  All you have is (60 seconds) this short amount of time to convince them why he or she should care about your client’s story. One of the key elements to receiving publicity for your clients is pitching his or [...]

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I learned a great piece of information today from my supervisor about pitching a story. In regards to assisting with a PR pitch, she let me know that one critical tactic about PR is keeping it brief. Truthfully, it will probably be one of my greatest obstacles in PR. I tend to be long-winded so [...]

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My first day at my internship with Selig Multimedia has come and gone and it was a success. So what did I gain and walk away with on my first day? Something that is very simple, yet very crucial. I am in my second semester as a junior and had yet to hear the term [...]

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There are many ways to get media attention for your story, product or business. Most publicists would agree that the best way to get media attention is to hire a professional with unique connections to the media outlets you want to target. Journalists are notoriously hard to reach, but, there are a few tricks of the trade [...]

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Just one week away from Thanksgiving and it seems that there’s only one thing on retailers’ minds: Christmas. It’s the season of cold weather, hot cocoa, twinkling lights, family, friends and of course, shopping. Whether your consumers celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanza, chances are they are looking for the fastest, greatest, most convenient and most [...]

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For some people, sports are a passing occurrence of overly paid men who don’t appreciate the ability to play a game, and get paid handsomely, for a living. With the recent lockouts of the NFL and the NBA, public relations personnel have had their hands full trying to reshape images that have been greatly damaged. [...]

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Many companies make the mistake of over estimating the success of their product and underestimating the process through which success can be achieved. We want to provide you with effective strategies of a public relations campaign that will help your company grow. Here is a list of do’s and don’ts that can help your company [...]

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Tareq Salahi and his wife Michaele Salahi along with their PR reps should face charges and fines if the kidnapping reports turn out to be nothing more than a publicity stunt, says a PR expert. “This type of behavior, if true, is despicable and  unacceptable,” says Glenn Selig, a crisis management expert from the PR [...]

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Experts may impart many Halloween marketing tips. But here’s the biggest right now: Halloween may seem like a long way off, but the time for online marketing is now. If you want to beat your competition by reaching customers on the web through online marketing for Halloween you need to get a jump on the [...]

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