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One of my first days at my internship I recall sitting with my supervisor and her explaining to me the importance of measurement in PR. For a PR practitioner, one of the aspects of representing a client is generating publicity for them. One of obstacles of doing this is being able to measure the results [...]

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Hello fellow interns, I hope that everyone is having a great semester. So far mine has had its highs and lows. There have definitely been some moments of frustration; however it’s up to me not to allow that to hinder my progress. I am happy to report I am getting good grades so that is [...]

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I learned a great piece of information today from my supervisor about pitching a story. In regards to assisting with a PR pitch, she let me know that one critical tactic about PR is keeping it brief. Truthfully, it will probably be one of my greatest obstacles in PR. I tend to be long-winded so [...]

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There are many ways to get media attention for your story, product or business. Most publicists would agree that the best way to get media attention is to hire a professional with unique connections to the media outlets you want to target. Journalists are notoriously hard to reach, but, there are a few tricks of the trade [...]

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For some people, sports are a passing occurrence of overly paid men who don’t appreciate the ability to play a game, and get paid handsomely, for a living. With the recent lockouts of the NFL and the NBA, public relations personnel have had their hands full trying to reshape images that have been greatly damaged. [...]

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Some things a public relations firm can do for you are to get you positive exposure in the media, create and conduct special events, and help you build and maintain a solid reputation.

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