PR How To Blog | PR Tips from Pros

CAT | Social media

So, I realize that my blogs will not always be related directly to my internship, however, I hope the information being provided is useful for my fellow interns.  Again, remember I am an intern as well. These are just my thoughts and what I gain from my experiences in and out of the classroom. To [...]

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I sat in on a meeting where the staff was brainstorming and strategizing for one of their out-of-state clients, just opened a new restaurant. The client wanted to get their name out in their local community, and no better way to achieve this then with social media. By using Twitter and a program called “TweetDeck,” [...]

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For some people, sports are a passing occurrence of overly paid men who don’t appreciate the ability to play a game, and get paid handsomely, for a living. With the recent lockouts of the NFL and the NBA, public relations personnel have had their hands full trying to reshape images that have been greatly damaged. [...]

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Twitter is one of the most powerful social media platforms to date. Users can promote products, engage in conversations and encourage followers to visit a website or sign a petition, all in 140 characters or less. Long gone are the days of Myspace where users would write blog posts detailing their day or cluttering up [...]

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