PR How To Blog | PR Tips from Pros

Archive for March 2012

It is now that time to start preparing for the end of the semester. There are so many deadlines that I should be preparing for, however I have prepared myself in advance for many of these to avoid having a last minute cram session. One thing that I have taken away this semester is to [...]

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Confession time my fellow interns. As I mentioned previously on some of my other blogs, I am currently enrolled in beginning reporting. I quickly realized that my interviewing skills were not up to par. I contribute that in part to me being unfamiliar with the topics I was covering, which provided a level of discomfort [...]

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The world is ever changing. Thus are all the fields that we work in. In order to magnify your skills as a PR practitioner, you need to stay informed, well-versed and up to date. Social media whether you like it or not isn’t going anywhere. You can have it in your mind that you have [...]

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As an undergraduate student taking classes in public relations, I am required to take a beginning reporting class in addition to my public relations courses. Although closely related in many areas, and both require a certain eloquence of writing, they are VERY different in my opinion. This was very evident today when I was writing [...]

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One of my first days at my internship I recall sitting with my supervisor and her explaining to me the importance of measurement in PR. For a PR practitioner, one of the aspects of representing a client is generating publicity for them. One of obstacles of doing this is being able to measure the results [...]

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