PR How To Blog | PR Tips from Pros

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A common occurrence at public relations firms is the confusion a client faces between the option of using a publicity campaign or a press release.  It all depends on the story your client has. A majority of the time, clients will think they have a story that requires a publicity campaign when really it is [...]

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After writing and editing your press release, it is important to make sure you do everything possible for it to take off. Writers should check that the press release contains important keywords for SEO purposes. Once you use a press release distribution company to distribute the release to the right media outlets, the process of [...]

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Landing a meeting with an existing or potential client is an important and natural aspect in the field of public relations. Meeting with a client is much like an interview process to understand the services they desire from your public relations firm. However, there are key things to remember to do before and during a [...]

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It’s time to get some hands-on experience. I was given the opportunity to write my first press release today for one of our clients. Taking the tips from the staff and what I had learned in school I got to work. I was anxious at first, but when I relaxed, I was able to enjoy the [...]

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I sat in on a meeting where the staff was brainstorming and strategizing for one of their out-of-state clients, just opened a new restaurant. The client wanted to get their name out in their local community, and no better way to achieve this then with social media. By using Twitter and a program called “TweetDeck,” [...]

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At Selig Multimedia, we are always looking for new ways to engage our interns to provide them with the best learning experience possible. In our newest segment, “Intern Perspectives”, we will have our spring intern, Kerriann, blog about her observations and experiences. We are very excited to have her and we hope to all learn [...]

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Shortly after the verdict in the Casey Anthony case and reports that at least one juror engaged the services on a PR firm to shop his story for money, I wrote a blog.  I said said the jury system was facing a PR crisis and I called on lawmakers to enact a law that make [...]

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Anthony Weiner is no technophobe. He’s totally embraced Twitter and other social media. He not only knows how to post messages, but he knows how to send pictures.

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Throughout the creation of any new company, new business owners often become exhausted with all the tasks that must be accomplished. Sometimes new business owner even become so stressed that they quit and dispose of their new found company.

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Business owners look for any means to generate profit for their company, whether it’s advertising in print or television or having someone stand on the corner with a sign promoting their latest deal. There is an untouched resource awaiting these companies in the form of press releases. Using a press release writing and distribution company, [...]

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