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The power of #hashtags in #PR

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Twitter is one of the most powerful social media platforms to date. Users can promote products, engage in conversations and encourage followers to visit a website or sign a petition, all in 140 characters or less.

Long gone are the days of Myspace where users would write blog posts detailing their day or cluttering up their page with music.

Long gone are the days of Facebook when someone updates their status too frequently, their “friends” get annoyed and hide their posts or even unfriend them.

If Twitter gives users the ability to update as much as they want and interact with millions of people via a hashtag, then what can it do for public relations?

Everything and anything. It can be the beginning of a successful Twitter account or it can be the horrible downfall.

Whether you’re a part of a hashtag and talking about Beyonce’s pregnancy (#VMA) or creating your own hashtag in hopes of turning it into a trending topic (#whatamigoingtodowithmylife), getting your tweets out to a platform can help establish connections with others and ultimately, help you gain followers.

PR practitioners have used hashtags for their own benefits aside from promoting their clients, by giving tips and advice to PR students or fellow peers.

Common hashtags found in the world of PR on Twitter are #pr or #prethics. Some use specific hashtags such as #pr20chat (public relations 2.0) and #u30pro (professionals under 30) to create a forum to speak with other professionals. Then there is the ever popular #publicitystunt which is a free for all.

Knowing how to use hashtags effectively and how they operate (ex. using clear and concise ones) and constantly keeping up with them will help boost your PR firm’s Twitter account makes it a success for everyone.


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