Reality show star Kim Kardashian revealed to fans that she has psoriasis.
Psoriasis is an immune system disease that appears on the skin and occurs when the immune system sends out faulty signals that speed up the growth cycle of skin cells.
“Psoriasis affects 2% of the worldwide population and many people are ashamed,” says Seth Forman, M.D., a Tampa, Fla. dermatologist. “It is very brave of Kim Kardashian to share her condition with fans.”
In Hollywood, where a celebrity’s every move is tracked, tabloid publications noticed some spots on Kim Kardashian’s calves and arms during recent public appearances.
The star of ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ then revealed to ‘Life&Style Weekly’ that she has psoriasis.
Kris Jenner, Kardashian’s mother, was diagnosed with psoriasis when she was 30.
Kim Kardashian, who besides her success on TV is a hit on social media sites Facebook ( with 5-million “friends,” and Twitter (!/KimKardashian) with 8-million followers, told the magazine that she is concerned that psoriasis might damage her career, because much of her celebrity is based on her beauty.
“People don’t understand the pressure on me to look perfect,” Kardashian said. “When I gain a pound, it’s in the headlines, so imagine what the tabloids will do to me when they see all these spots.”
Dr. Forman, the Tampa dermatologist, says Kardashian’s condition is treatable.
“Fortunately there are many excellent topical, systemic and new targeted phototherapies to treat this condition,” says Dr. Forman.
Kim Kardashian’s psoriasis will be dealt with on the next episode of ‘Kardashians,’ which airs Sunday at 10pm on E!
Melissa Rogovin
PR Firm: The Publicity Agency
Phone: (813) 708-1220 x 7783
SOURCE: Forman Dermatology

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She’s hot, psoriasis or not. Medicine is there for a reason!
Kim must feel good after hearing what dr Forman said.