“Asoka: A Love Story” (ISBN 0983690308), a historical novel by Harish Singhal, tells the story of the title character, the famed conqueror and reformer of ancient India, and his tormented romance with the beautiful Anga.
The novel, a fictionalized account based on historical research, traces Asoka’s development from brutal ruthlessness into one of the world’s first philosopher kings, the ruler that H.G. Wells described as the greatest of all rulers. War-loving and violent as a young man, Asoka relinquished his religion after a conquest, and came to embrace Buddhism’s values and put them into practice by promoting equality, social justice, free medical care and religious tolerance. Readers will learn of the crucial events that shaped Asoka, including his quest for the woman he loved and the fleeting happiness he shared with her.
“The novel is one of love, war and transformation as Asoka changes from blood-thirsty king into an icon of non-violence,” says Singhal. “His solutions to the problems raised by intolerance in religion are more relevant today than ever before. ”
First published in India, “Asoka” has earned high praise from various literary reviews, having been called “a magical story of love” and “an epic [that] reclaims the grandeur of storytelling” by international publications The Asian Age and The Hindu. Written to engage, educate and entertain, “Asoka” seeks to introduce a generation of readers to a hidden chapter of history and the life of a man far ahead of his time.
“Asoka: A Love Story” is available for sale online at Amazon.com and other channels.
About the Author: Harish Singhal earned his master’s degree in English from Allahabad University in India and then taught as an assistant professor of English at the same institution. He was later selected to work at the Indian Revenue Service, eventually leaving the IRS to earn his law degree from the University of California, Berkeley. Singhal was also invited to spend a year at Harvard and was published in the Harvard International Law Journal. He then worked as a tax lawyer for Fortune 500 companies before leaving the field of law in 1999 to pursue writing full time. “Asoka” is his first novel. Singhal is married with two daughters and resides in California.
Harish Singhal
Phone: (650) 453-5800
Web: www.harishsinghal.com
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Direct link: https://prnewschannel.com/2011/12/20/new-biographical-novel-profiles-life-loves-of-indias-legendary-ruler-asoka/SOURCE: Harish Singhal
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