Looking for laser hair removal for women in Pinellas County? Here’s how to select a medical spa

Not all Clearwater medical spas that offer laser hair removal are the same
(PR NewsChannel) / January 29, 2016 / CLEARWATER, Fla. 

Laser hair removal for women at Health and Medspa in Clearwater is safe, comparatively gentle and super effective, the company says.

Have you checked Groupon lately? You’ll find all sorts of discount offers for laser hair removal in Pinellas County.

But, ladies, is laser hair removal really something you want to be buying at a discount? It is technically a medical procedure.

At Health and Medspa in Clearwater, a premier laser hair removal center, the prices are always down to earth. (The company charges about 50% less than its biggest competitors.)

“You need to be careful when selecting a med spa for laser hair removal—whether it’s in Pinellas, Clearwater or anywhere,” says Irina Peters, spa director at Health and Medspa. “Make sure it is doctor run, which Health and Medspa is, and check out reviews on Yelp.”

Sylvia Johnson, 35, spent more than two decades shaving, tweezing and sitting through painful waxing. Finally, about six months ago, she decided she had had enough.

“I knew I did not want to just let the hair grow and look awful. My friend recommended this Pinellas County medspa, so I thought why not? I decided to give laser hair removal a try,” says Johnson. “I am so happy I did.”

Laser hair removal for women is safe, comparatively gentle and super effective. And since there’s no recovery time needed after treatments, it was easy for Johnson, a Clearwater area banking executive, to fit them into her busy schedule.

Before she receives her treatments on her legs and arms at the Pinellas County office, Johnson dons a pair of glasses that shield her eyes from the laser.

During the 40 minute treatment, lasers produce a bright beam of light that is absorbed by the pigment of her hair. Without damaging surrounding tissue, the laser causes trauma to the hair shaft and follicle, making it hard for hair to grow back. Because the laser sees color, laser hair removal has been super effective on Johnson, who’s a brunette. (Laser hair removal is not effective on those with blonde or white hair.)

She’s so pleased with the results so far, she thinking about starting laser hair removal treatments for under her arms.

“I am so happy I found laser hair removal,” says Johnson. “The med spa is incredibly convenient and not having to shave or wax is saving me amazing amounts of time in the morning.”


Laser hair removal Clearwater: Health and Medspa

Direct link:  https://prnewschannel.com/2016/01/29/looking-for-laser-hair-removal-for-women-in-pinellas-county-heres-how-to-select-a-medical-spa/

SOURCE:  Health and Medspa

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