Do press releases work? You bet.

(PR NewsChannel) / November 12, 2010 /  

Online and emailed press release lands Alabama business owner coverage on a variety of national news programs, including ‘Chelsea Lately.’

TAMPA, Fla. / Business owners regularly ask themselves, “Do press releases work?” or “Will anyone ever find my online press release?” Well, the short answer is absolutely and there’s proof.

Take the Huntsville, Ala. adult store Pleasures, America’s first sex toy shop that serves its customers with the convenient and private drive-thru window. PR NewsChannel, the press release writing and press release distribution company, wrote the press release for Pleasures on Tuesday, immediately distributed it to the search engines and its syndication partners, and then sent it via email to the national media.

By Thursday Pleasure’s in Huntsville was the top story on several local television stations. The story even wound up getting a mention on E! Entertainment’s ‘Chelsea Lately.’

“Not only does a press release work, sometimes it really works like gangbusters,” says Patrick Flanary, director of operations for PR NewsChannel (

An optimized press release often lands businesses and nonprofits in the Internet’s top 10 news aggregators, including websites like Yahoo News, Google News and Bing News. These sites receive more visitor traffic than do many cable network sites like and major print outlets like the ‘New York Times.’

The Pleasures one-stop romance shop press release is an example of how a press release works in a business owner’s favor–in this case, it proved a success story for the business owner’s grand opening. Media plan to flock to this weekend’s event following the press release’s viral following.

The original press release can be viewed at:


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