Public Relations versus Journalism: Day 10
0 Comments | Posted by Kerriann in Intern journal
As an undergraduate student taking classes in public relations, I am required to take a beginning reporting class in addition to my public relations courses. Although closely related in many areas, and both require a certain eloquence of writing, they are VERY different in my opinion.
This was very evident today when I was writing a press release to announce my blog. Since I am currently taking a beginning reporting class that although they both require for usage of the AP style of writing they are still different in the style of writing.
Writing for public relations writing is subjective and journalism is objective. In my opinion, they are two very different sides of the spectrum. As a journalist you should take out all bias, however, if you notice from reading many news articles or even magazine articles, that is not always the case. And as a PR practitioner, the writing should be a form of advocacy for whomever you are writing your press release on behalf of, but still read like a news story.
Unsolicited advice from me to you day 10: In my PR class yesterday we had a guest speaker from a strategic communication firm. He stressed the fact that whenever he considers hiring a new intern or employee he is very impressed by anyone who blogs for leisure. It can be on a variety of topics or one topic in particular such as local or national news, sports or even health-related issues. He said just get writing. No matter what in PR or any field of communication being a good writer allows your job potential to be limitless.