Intern Perspectives: What Is Your Brand?: Day 5
0 Comments | Posted by Kerriann in Intern journal
The stress of school is without question extremely overwhelming. In the midst of all the hours spent in the classroom and then at least double that time studying (hopefully), interning or working, you should also try to find a little spare time to start branding yourself.
As a PR intern, or any intern for that matter, in addition to having a portfolio to represent your work thus far, you need to start creating your brand.
Who are you? What do you represent?
Start small and as you excel then also start to expand and become more creative.
An amusing and artistic way to start is to create a collage of some sort.
Ask yourself: Who am I? What sets me apart from others? What distinguishes me as a person? What is my logo?
Now take those ideas and translate them into a sketch, graphics, painting or even use Photoshop. If you don’t have a logo, make one. Do you automatically recognize Ford because of their logo? Well your employers or clients should be able to recognize your logo and immediately know that is you.
Although, this may not be what you submit on a website or even on a business card it will be a start on branding – YOU! Remember that your brand ultimately defines you.
Unsolicited advice from me to you day 5: Get involved in school organizations. If you are public relations major find out if your school has a Public Relations Student Society of America chapter. Or as journalism major see if your school has a Society of Professional Journalists chapter. The important thing is to not only join, but to become involved and stay active. The connections you make will be invaluable.