Archive for July 2011
PR help for justice system? Florida lawmaker files bill to prevent jurors from getting paid for interviews
1 Comment | Posted by gselig in How to Handle a PR Crisis, How to Write a Press Release, PR techniques
Shortly after the verdict in the Casey Anthony case and reports that at least one juror engaged the services on a PR firm to shop his story for money, I wrote a blog. I said said the jury system was facing a PR crisis and I called on lawmakers to enact a law that make [...]
Casey Anthony jurors trying to sell their stories makes judicial system look bad, crisis management PR expert says; advocates new law to restore image of jury system
4 Comments | Posted by gselig in How to Get Media Attention, How to Handle a PR Crisis
There are quite a few players in the Casey Anthony saga in need of image rehab. And you can add the jury system to that list. Yesterday it came out that a PR firm was openly selling the story of one of the jurors. “Our client — a married, college-educated, 33-year-old white male with two young [...]