How To Utilize Quotes In Press Releases
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Adding quotes, whether they are personal or from a company spokesperson is a great way to spice up what would ordinarily be a mundane press release. These quotes can be used to reaffirm facts stated in the copy, but it is best if they convey some kind of opinion or point of view.
For example, if you are a physician trying to get coverage for your views on the recent Medicare reimbursement cuts, you would not want a quote stating the amount of the cuts are and what it will cost you. Those are stand alone facts. Journalists are looking for opinions to include in their stories. A better quote would be something like, “Lawmakers need to act quickly and repeal these cuts. If they do not, doctors will continue to drop Medicare patients in record numbers. Those patients will then have not choice, but to go to the hospital; clogging up emergency rooms that are already over capacity.”
For a release about a product, service or event, facts are a more appropriate way to go. However, there is still a way to add some opinion to them. Here’s an example: “We researched several similar products and in the end decided that there was no reason to charge that much for a laptop computer. We want average people to be able to afford and use our products. So yes, our computers may be cheaper than others, but you can expect the same features and service as any other brand on the market.”
When it comes to writing a press release, the best thing to keep in mind is making it easy for the reporter. Give them quotes they can use “as is” in their stories. Make sure you include all the pertinent information, including a contact name, number and email address. And if you are ever in doubt, you can always find a reputable press release writing and distribution service that can help you out.