Press release distribution company offers specialized online reputation management service (ORM)
Internet reputation management is more than hiding negative posts.
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(PRNewsChannel) / August 28, 2010 /
BOSTON / Online reputation management is not a matter of simply hiding negative posts, says the press release distribution company PRNewsChannel (
It's about building and maintaining a positive image online.
"It's about building and maintaining a positive image online," says Randy Scott, director of operations at the press release distribution company. "If you have a real problem with your online reputation, or want to avoid a problem, it's time for online reputation management."
The proven strategy for online reputation management involves using online press releases to push down the negative postings that target you or company. It's a specialized service offered by PRNewsChannel and one that has grown to be very popular, says Scott.
Online reputation management (ORM) is the act of monitoring, addressing or mitigating search engine results, pages or mentions for a brand, name, service or product.
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Techniques for online reputation management include online PR activity through new content creation via online press releases and promotion of existing positive content.
The goal is good public relations on the Internet, says the press release distribution company.
A negative mention in social media or on complaint websites can be a threat, but you can fight back.
Whether you want to maintain a positive image online or are battling negative postings or blogs on the Internet, PRNewsChannel can help.
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