Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-4-A-CHILD Available as Resource for Viewers and Readers - October 02, 2008
(PRNewsChannel) / Scottsdale, Ariz. / The following is a media advisory from Childhelp.
Media Advisory
For Immediate Release
What: Childhelp® National Child Abuse Hotline® 1-800-4-A-CHILD.
Availability: For use as a resource for your readers and viewers that want to learn more about what they can do to report suspected cases of child abuse and neglect or to find help if they are experiencing abuse. The hotline is available 24/7 and is a resource for those in crisis or just seeking more information. All calls are confidential.
Comments: Readers and viewers all across America want to know what they can do to help prevent child abuse and neglect. Child abuse is rampant in our society and is often the centerpiece of many news stories, including high profile stories such as the polygamous cult in Texas to teachers having inappropriate sexual contact with their underage students to dealing with internet safety concerns. Each day over four children die due to child abuse and neglect in the United States alone and a new case of abuse is reported every ten seconds. The Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline can be the resource your readers and viewers are looking for when they ask themselves, “What can I do?” after being exposed to a news story, as well as a place to turn if they themselves or someone around them is experiencing abuse. The hotline is a great source to find out what abuse is, what it looks like and how to report it. The counselors can also offer callers positive parenting tips and techniques to be successful in parenting.
About Hotline: The Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-4-A-CHILD is dedicated to the prevention of child abuse. Serving the United States, its territories and Canada, the Hotline is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with professional crisis counselors who, through interpreters, can provide assistance in 140 languages. The Hotline offers crisis intervention, information, literature and referrals to thousands of emergency, social service and support resources. All calls are anonymous and confidential.
The Hotline has received more than 2 million calls since it began in 1982. These calls come from children at risk for abuse, distressed parents seeking crisis intervention and concerned individuals who suspect that child abuse may be occurring.
About Childhelp: CEO and Co-Founder Sara O’Meara and President and Co-Founder Yvonne Fedderson started Childhelp® in 1959, establishing it as a leading national non-profit organization dedicated to helping victims of child abuse and neglect and at-risk children. Childhelp’s approach focuses on advocacy, prevention, treatment and community outreach.
Childhelp’s programs and services also include residential treatment services; children’s advocacy centers; therapeutic foster care; group homes and child abuse prevention, education and training. Childhelp also created the National Day of Hope®, held each April during National Child Abuse Prevention Month mobilizing people across America to join the fight against child abuse.
Media Contacts:
Derrek Hofrichter / Matthew Dutile
Gordon C. James Public Relations
480-297-8445 / 480-296-6193
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