New Video Game Pits Presidential Candidates in DC Style Smackdown
DC Smackdown is full of backstabbing, low blows and lying politicians. And it's got the real candidates handlers playing hardball.
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DC Smackdown computer game.
PR NewsChannel) / December 6, 2007 /
Orlando, Fla. - Forget Iowa and New Hampshire. The most exciting presidential election battleground may be unfolding on a computer near you.
DC Smackdown is a new computer game created by former Disney animator Dave Holbrook.
"It's only been a week since it debuted, and the response has been phenomenal," says Holbrook.
Response has come from computer game enthusiasts and from presidential candidate representatives.
"They've called wondering how their candidate is being portrayed," says Holbrook. "So I tell them. Sometimes they like it--sometimes not. But I hope they appreciate it's all in good fun."
In DC Smackdown, political candidates, pundits, media figures and celebrities are characters. The object is to use humourous attacks to defeat political rivals.
"We tried to be as unbiased as we could be in character selection, development and portrayal," says Holbrook.
But that wasn't always easy. Holbrook says staff members clearly have their favorite candidates. And it took some politics to make the game fair.
Whether it is Hillary Clinton's "Intern Trample," Bill O'Reilly's "No Spin Zone" or Jessie Jackson's "Million Man Dance Party," there's equal opportunity bashing in DC Smackdown.
The computer game has 17 characters in all, including the top-tier candidates Hillary "The Man" Clinton, Rudy "The Mayor" Guiliani, Barack "Your World" Obama, Mitt "Flip Flop" Romney, John "Pretty Boy" Edwards and Gramps McCain.
DC Smackdown also has the popular pundits Glenn "Chicken Little" Beck, Rosie "The Mouth" O'Donnell and Keith "Left Wing" Olbermann. Plus there are the "hidden" characters that unlock during play including Ron Paul, Mike Huckabee and Oprah.
"DC Smackdown is an hilarious video game full of backstabbing, low blows and lying politicians. It's just like the real thing, only smaller," says Holbrook. "Ron Paul might be well liked but only on DC Smackdown is likely to ever be president."
Holbrook hopes that if nothing else the computer game fires up young voters to pay attention to the presidential race.
On, there are dozens of links to news outlets, blogs and politicians in Washington, as well as a direct link to voter registration.
"We believe it's important that our elected officials hear our voices over the screaming and yelling of an election cycle," says web designer Shane Reynolds. "We hope that the game gets players excited about the election so the site has the tools for those who want to be more involved."
DC Smackdown is $4.99 and can be downloaded by visiting
Contact Name : Dave Holbrook, DC Smackdown
Phone: (407) 694-3875
Web site:
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