Kentucky Republicans are engaging in a tactic that has union supporters in neighboring Ohio paying very close attention.
Earlier this month, several Kentucky counties were reportedly moving forward on their own Right to Work initiatives, which they are allowed to do under a state law known as the “home rule.”
Now it seems the first county has fallen to the controversial legislation.
On December 8, Warren County, home to the sizeable General Motors factory that builds Chevrolet Corvettes, became the first Right to Work county in Kentucky by passing the local ordinance 5-1. Although the ordinance requires two additional votes before taking effect, many experts believe it will pass.
With the news of the vote circulating throughout the nation, union supporters in Ohio have been intently studying the new strategic developments in Kentucky.
“While it’s disheartening to see, I feel that we can learn some valuable lessons from this new strategy,” said Pat Sink, Ohio’s International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local 18’s business manager. “Labor advocates will have to adapt, but as long as we continue to push our message to the public and debunk the ‘benefits’ of this type of legislation we can continue to hold it back.”
Despite a favorable outlook in Ohio, union groups in other battleground states continue to fight back against Right to Work.
Union supporters in Wisconsin, New Mexico and West Virginia have all recently reported a growing consideration for Right to Work initiatives.
In West Virginia, Republicans have taken control of both houses of the state legislature for the first time in nearly a century and currently have enough votes to override a gubernatorial veto and New Mexico’s legislature maintains they have enough support to pass any potential Right to Work legislation.
Although Ohioans look to be temporarily in the clear, many union supporters are refusing to rest on their laurels.
“It’s becoming increasingly clear that Right to Work supporters will continue to come up with new ways to promote their agenda,” said Sink. “That’s why it’s important for labor supporters and unions everywhere to incorporate that same vigilance in the fight against it.”
Opponents of the recent Ohio Right to Work effort, including the “Workplace Freedom” bills, contend that the initiative’s true purpose is to kill unions and worker protections, ultimately leading to a weaker middle class.
By stripping workers of their rights and freedoms, business owners would be free to lower worker pay, reduce worker benefits and ignore worker rights.
Whether Republicans utilize “Paycheck Protection,” “Workplace Freedom,” or other Right to Work tactics, opponents remain dedicated to ensuring the voting public knows the underlying nature behind the GOP’s divisive agenda.
SOURCE: Keep Ohio's Heritage
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