Helen A. Rosburg, a client of the national PR firm The Publicity Agency, was featured on the Tampa NBC affiliate, WFLA, Wednesday morning. Anchor Gayle Guyardo spoke with the Wrigley heiress about her animal rescue mission, which she runs out of her estate just north of Tampa.
In the segment which aired on November 13th during the 5 and 6 a.m. broadcasts, Rosburg gave Guyardo a tour of her 120+ acre estate in Odessa and introduced her to the many animals she houses there including horses, rabbits, goats, a gopher tortoise and a pig named Frank.
“If it needs to be rescued, I’ll take it. I don’t care what it is… I even rescue tortoises,” Rosburg told Guyardo while introducing her to the pigs, goats, horses and other animals at her estate.
You can watch Gayle Guyardo’s interview with Helen Rosburg here: http://youtu.be/8bBfN3gpc_A.
“Helen is not your average heiress,” says Jessica Pajak, a project manager with the national PR firm. “She uses her time and money to help those in need, humans and animals alike.”
Rosburg was recently featured on WFLA for her two fights against breast cancer, and her generous offer to fly a Marine, his family and their two dogs cross country when other airlines refused received national attention.
For more about the PR firm, visit: http://www.thepublicityagency.com
Watch videos of PR firm clients making the news: http://thepublicityagency.com/clients-making-news/
Learn more about Helen Rosburg: http://thepublicityagency.com/publicity-agency-clients/helen-a-rosburg/
About The Publicity Agency: The Publicity Agency is a full-service, national PR firm with home offices in Tampa, Fla. The PR agency, called “one of the top PR firms in the U.S.” by the Tampa Tribune and named a “Top 25 PR Firm” by the Tampa Bay Business Journal in 2010 and 2011, is a leading strategic public relations firm founded by power publicist Glenn Selig, a multiple award-winning former major city network news reporter/anchor. The Agency represents businesses, newsmakers, entertainers and professionals seeking top-tier agency representation.
Selig and the team of talented and experienced publicity agents and publicists have worked with some of the biggest names in business and entertainment.
Jessica Pajak
PR Firm: The Publicity Agency
(813) 708-1220 x7782
SOURCE: The Publicity Agency
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