Upgrade by Graeme Edward Duncan
Even as a young adult, Graeme Edward Duncan was determined to find the secrets to happiness and success in a world full of confusion and unhappiness. In “Upgrading Your Life: How to Unlock Your Enthusiasm and Drive to Achieve Happiness and Success” (ISBN 1463647999), Duncan aims to map out a step-by-step approach to empowering individuals to live their lives in greater, more enriching depths.
In the book, Duncan takes readers on a systematic journey to “upgrade” their life. He provides them with the necessary tools to achieve the focus of consciousness necessary to find success and happiness. He acknowledges that there are obstacles along the way, and teaches readers his approach to removing the mental impediments which hinder our inherent happiness and potential success.
Duncan’s goal is to have readers tap into their inner happiness and harness their conscious energy to achieve success. He lets them in on the secret he believes will empower their emotional state and unlocks their magnetism and influence. He believes that readers will be able to enhance their relationships with friends and family, as well as with the world around them.
“In order to obtain goals, one must recognize consciousness as their greatest asset,” Duncan said. “Learning to live in the moment opens up a world of opportunity and a greater depth of happiness.”
Duncan believes his work provides the information and tools necessary for people to achieve a life in high resolution and experience the happiness and success they want, no matter what their age. He hopes that readers find the same sense of accomplishment and fulfillment that he has found over the course of his life.
“Upgrading Your Life: How to Unlock Your Enthusiasm and Drive to Achieve Happiness and Success” is available for sale online at Amazon.com and other channels.
About the Author: A student of both western and eastern philosophies and religions, Graeme Edward Duncan is also a born entrepreneur, starting his first business at the age of 14. Although he was incorrectly classified by the British schooling system as mentally handicapped at age 8, Duncan and his mother moved to South Africa where, after two months of home schooling, he stood in the top academic rankings of his new school. Duncan has traveled throughout Europe and Asia, searching for meaning behind the unhappiness and chaos of the world. Today, as a corporate consultant, leadership coach and yoga practitioner, Duncan teaches people how to enhance their happiness and success through the art of peak performance and motivational skills.
Graeme Edward Duncan
Phone: (760) 877-3020
Website: www.sattvalife.com
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Direct link: https://prnewschannel.com/2013/03/27/guide-to-happiness-success-encourages-readers-to-focus-on-their-consciousness/SOURCE: Graeme Edward Duncan

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