New thriller exposes dark side of Japanese culture in early 1990s

Set during the collapse of the Japanese bubble economy, Yakuza gangsters and right-wing politicians and businessmen conspire to establish an anti-American government in “One Summer in Tokyo” by William J. Shannon

(PR NewsChannel) / July 3, 2012 / FALMOUTH, Maine 

"One Summer in Tokyo"

"One Summer in Tokyo" by William J. Shannon

William J. Shannon draws on his seven years of experience working in Japan as a lawyer to produce a fiction thriller that exposes the dark side of Japanese culture and politics. Set in the early 1990s during Japan’s financial collapse at the end of what was known as the “bubble economy,” “One Summer in Tokyo” (ISBN 1475235089) follows a group of desperate businessmen as they conspire with Yakuza gangsters and right-wing politicians to establish an anti-American government. They will stop at nothing, using blackmail, bribery and murder to achieve their goals.

CIA station chief Claire Whitlock and embassy legal attaché Derek Parker must work together to protect their home country. Working behind the scenes, the plan they pursue is both daring and at times unauthorized as they strive to maintain the incumbent weak but unfailingly pro-American government. As the battle progresses between the interested parties to gain political control, readers will gain knowledge about the complex culture and deeply ingrained practices of a country that is both ultra-modern and deeply influenced by its ancient roots.

“It is about the conflict between good and evil, especially in a culture where tradition and ritual often have a stronger influence on behavior than rational and unbiased analysis,” says Shannon.

To write the novel, Shannon drew on his own unique and engaging experiences living in Japan from 1984 to 1992. An attorney by profession, he was one of the first foreign attorneys to be licensed as a Gaikokuho-Jimu-Bengoshi, a designation that allowed him to practice law in a country that remains standoffish to outsiders, particularly in business and legal matters.

“One Summer in Tokyo” is a gripping thriller that gives an insider’s glimpse into a Japanese economy that was falling apart at the seams. Intense and provocative, its descriptions of desperate businessman and gangsters conspiring with politicians will resonate in our own current age of global financial free fall.

“One Summer in Tokyo” is available for sale online at and other channels.

About the Author: William J. Shannon is widely traveled, including living and working overseas as a special agent with the Office of Naval Intelligence and as a lawyer. After earning his law degree from Cornell University, he became a partner and counsel in major U.S. law firms in Tokyo, Moscow, Honolulu and Riyadh, and he has also worked overseas for major international financial institutions in London and Bucharest. He currently lives in Falmouth, Maine, and he practices law with the firm of Verrill Dana in Portland.

William J. Shannon
Phone:             (207) 272-3216



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SOURCE:  William J. Shannon

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