In “Magical Horses: An Original Haitian Folktale” (ISBN 0977411206), acclaimed visual artist Cleopatra Egypt delves into Haitian folklore to create a mythical story of revenge and forgiveness. She uses the archetypes of Haitian spiritual beliefs to demystify a culture that is often misunderstood. The unique tale begins when Ogou and Freda, two horses overworked by a dishonest farmer named Azaka, are transformed into humans. One seeks understanding, while the other chases revenge.
In Haiti, Azaka is the spirit of farming whose gargantuan harvests are only made possible by a ceremonial musician whose insistent drumming propels the horses to work at a breakneck speed. One day, the horses spy him drawing the Legba symbol, a ritual that summons the god of crossroads and change. Ogou and Freda figure how to use the ritual to become humans. After all, Azaka was once a horse himself.
On the way to the market, the horses abandon Azaka to pursue their plan of transformation. Seeking counsel, Azaka visits Elizi Danto, a priestess who will provide a history of the eight spirits who inhabit the spiritual world. Meanwhile, Ogou and Freda head to the seashore to begin their humanizing ritual, while Azaka and the priestess look on.
Now humans, the two head inland to figure out what to do with their new forms. Ogou wants revenge against Azaka and seeks out the spirit of death, while Freda uses compassion and understanding when dealing with the farmer. Their opposing paths will culminate in a bitter confrontation and surprise ending.
“Magical Horses” will enchant readers who are interested in magic, suspense and Haitian mythology. Full of song, dance and colorful rituals, the book, also available for Kindle, reveals the religious underpinnings of Haitian mythology, beliefs and culture while highlighting the moral consequences of revenge and compassion.
“Magical Horses: An Original Haitian Folktale” is available in paperback and e-book formats, for sale online at and via other channels.
About the Author: Cleopatra Egypt was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, in 1961. At the age of 11, she immigrated to Brooklyn with her parents and siblings. She went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in French literature from St. John’s University. Cleopatra is an acclaimed visual artist who loves to promote the richness of her Haitian culture through images made of sequins on fabric, writing and song and dance. Her work has been exhibited at several venues, most notably the Museum of Natural History on Jan. 14, 2004, during the “Living in America: The Haitian Experience” exhibition. She lives in Harlem.
Cleopatra Egypt
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