On May 29th, 2012, The Lawfare Project, a nonprofit legal think tank, and Mayer Brown LLP, a leading global law firm, present Lawfare: Expert Perspectives.
World-renowned authorities will address the lawfare phenomenon from their unique perspectives. Mayer Brown will announce its attorneys’ participation in counter-lawfare initiatives on a pro bono basis.
Featured speakers:
- Amb. John Bolton (Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute; Former U.S. Permanent Representative to the UN)
- Amb. Ido Aharoni (Consul General of Israel in New York)
- Cyrus R. Vance, Jr. (District Attorney of New York County)
- Brooke Goldstein (Human Rights Attorney & Award-Winning Filmmaker; Director, The Lawfare Project; Author, Lawfare: The War Against Free Speech)
- Qanta A. A. Ahmed, MD, FACP, FCCP, FAASM (Author, In the Land of Invisible Women)
- Steven Wolowitz (Firm Practice Leader for Global Litigation Group, Mayer Brown LLP)
Richard A. Spehr(Partner-In-Charge of New York Office, Mayer Brown LLP)
Amb. John Bolton
Mayer Brown LLP, 1675 Broadway, New York, NY 10019
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Luncheon
12:40pm – Press Conference
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM – Panelists Presentation, including Q&A with members of the audience.
Editor Note: One-on-one interviews for press can be scheduled according to participant availability between 12:00 PM and 12:40 PM.
What is lawfare?
“Lawfare” means the abuse of the law as a weapon of war. It entails the manipulation of Western legal systems to undermine liberal democracy. The goals of modern-day lawfare include:
-Silencing free speech about issues of national security
-Frustrating the ability of democracies to fight terrorism
-Delegitimizing the sovereignty of democratic states
Recent examples include:
-Al-Qaeda manuals that instruct captured militants to file false claims of torture in order to reposition themselves as victims in the eye of the law and media.
-Predatory defamation and “hate speech” lawsuits against anyone who speaks publicly about militant Islam, terrorism, and its sources of financing:
–Former Congressman Cass Ballenger was hit with an erroneous libel lawsuit filed by the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) for reporting CAIR to the FBI as a “fundraising arm for Hezbollah.”
–Iranian-American blogger Hassan Daioleslam is being targeted with an ongoing defamation suit by the National Iranian-American Council (NIAC) for describing NIAC as a lobbying arm of the Iranian government.
–Saudi law firm Ahmed Zaki Yamani sued the Danish newspaper Politiken on behalf of more than 94,000 alleged descendants of Islam’s prophet Mohammad for republishing a cartoon of Mohammad.
-The smearing of individuals attempting to raise awareness about national security threats:
–Accusations of “Islamophobia” hurled at NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly because he appeared in the film The Third Jihad, narrated by Muslim-American Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser.
-The resurgence of blasphemy laws in international law:
–UN Human Rights Council Resolutions 7/19 and 16/18, attempting to outlaw and stigmatize criticism of religion. Both were co-sponsored by the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the latter supported by the Obama administration.
-The Department of Defense’s report on the Fort Hood shooting, which omitted the word Islam and made no mention of the killer’s “well-documented jihadist sympathies” such as his speech on suicide bombing and an essay arguing for the “painful punishment and liquidation of non-Muslims.”
-Scrubbing of FBI counter-terrorism training materials and White House-instituted review of counter-terrorism personnel to avoid “offending” Muslim advocacy groups.
Fortunately, there are means to combat the threat. The distinguished panelists will identify and analyze various responses to lawfare in all of its manifestations.
The Lawfare Project is the only organization of its kind dedicated solely to identifying, analyzing, and facilitating a response to lawfare in all of its manifestations. The Lawfare Project is a registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
Mayer Brown is a leading global law firm advising clients across the Americas, Asia and Europe. They are noted for their exceptional client service, their innovative strategies, and their ability to solve the most complex and demanding legal and business challenges. They are active in abroad range of pro bono and community service activities around the world. Their pro bono program’s guiding purpose is to attack systemic problems related to poverty, inequality, and access to justice. They believe that pro bono work is a critical component of their profession and an important factor in evaluating their true excellence as a firm.
To reserve a seat, please click here to RSVP to the event. RSVP is recommended.
For more information, please contact Benjamin Ryberg, Director of Research for The Lawfare Project, (212) 922-1672 ext. 305,
Direct link: https://prnewschannel.com/2012/05/09/media-alert-experts-to-gather-in-new-york-to-discuss-threat-of-lawfare/SOURCE: The Lawfare Project

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