When it comes to getting out of debt, debt settlement is not the quick fix. The debt settlement company leader, Superior Debt Relief Services, explains debt settlement as an aggressive debt relief method that takes time and effort and is dependent on the consumer’s dedication and involvement with the program.
“A debt settlement program is not just a quick fix to credit problems,” said John Wilson, the vice president of Superior Debt Relief Services. “It can help consumers make fundamental changes to their financial profile that will help position them for a much brighter financial future.”
A debt settlement client gets out what they put into their relief program. The debt relief company explains that signing up for a program as a means of relinquishing responsibility and control of one’s debts is not only ineffective, but it can leave consumers in a worse place than when they started.
“Not everyone can be successful in a debt settlement program,” Wilson says. “Consumers that are successful in these programs are those that are committed to doing whatever it takes. These consumers also understand that frequent communication with your settlement program is a must.”
Before signing up with a debt settlement company, it’s important to consider the obligations and benefits of committing to this bankruptcy alternative.
Research. Federal regulations have weeded out many scammers, but unfortunately in this industry, there are still debt relief companies without their client’s best interests in mind. Diligent research before committing to any company can greatly increase a consumer’s chance of success.
Patience. Timing is a crucial element in a debt settlement program. Depending on the number and location of accounts, program completion could take up to three years. Patience and persistence will increase a consumer’s chances of success and lessen frustration.
Dedication. Committing to making draft payments and building the funds is the only way to settle an account. Without an offer, a settlement can’t be reached. The most successful consumers consistently contribute their extra income and rarely skip a draft payment.
Communication. In order for a debt settlement company to do their job, they need to know where an account is and what action the lender is taking, if any. This typically involves regular interaction and communication with their clients who should be willing to keep their company informed with the latest information received from their creditors.
Credit-free living. Debt settlement is a sustainable form of debt relief—it is a solution, not a band-aid or quick fix. Learning to live without credit is key to changing spending habits and living in financial freedom for life.
“For those willing to make these sacrifices, success means a debt-free and much less stressful life,” Wilson says.
About Superior Debt Relief Services: Established in 1998, Superior Debt Services is a debt relief company committed to ethically helping consumers lower their credit card debt while encouraging them to develop healthy financial habits. Superior is a reputable company devoted to fighting for the consumer and the regulation of the debt settlement industry by lobbying Congress and working with the FTC for consumer advocacy legislation.
Dominick Yost
(888) 366-3414
SOURCE: Superior Debt Relief Services
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