Known children’s tale “Jack and the Beanstalk” takes on a different meaning when Duane Cameron Wilson turns it into “Jackie and the Dreamstalk” (ISBN 0984731806), a story about a young girl who follows her dreams to change her future.
Jackie Hayes is a young and clever girl whose family has fallen on difficult times. One day while at the local store, Jackie decides to steal a can of beans. Within moments she is pursued by the giant-like clerk named Paul. But he soon stumbles to the ground during the pursuit giving Jackie the chance to get away.
Surprisingly, Jackie does the complete opposite; she helps Paul up and assists him back to the store.
Wilson incorporates the economic situation that plagues the nation today to further emphasize his point in his book. Paul’s mother, Mrs. Sutton, decides to give Jackie an opportunity to make up for stealing the beans to begin with.
Mrs. Sutton takes Jackie to the roof of the store and offers Jackie the unique challenge of growing a rooftop garden. Even though she doubts herself she creates a plan called a Dreamstalk, to help grow a successful garden.
Things don’t start well, but through encouragement and perseverance, the garden begins to grow. Jackie uses her various resources as motivation to continue to tinker with her ideas and ultimately creating a plan that allows her and the Suttons to both experience success.
Wilson says this type of entrepreneurship is what’s needed for the next generation, especially with the current economic situation in the world.
“Although the story plays homage to the classical tale of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk,’ this book promotes leadership and entrepreneurship for the youth using elements that are both familiar and new,” Wilson says.
“Jackie and The Dreamstalk” is available for sale online at and other channels.
About the Author: Duane Cameron Wilson started his first business in high school and enjoyed showing the youth how to start their businesses. From there, he began volunteering, consulting, seminars and speaking engagements. Wilson received his bachelor’s from the University of Iowa and received a certificate in values-centered leadership from DePaul University. He is currently the associate director The Peace Corner, a youth center in Chicago.
Duane Cameron Wilson
Email: Phone: (630) 621-5167
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