Hundreds of thousands of Japanese families faced complete devastation after tragedy struck in Hiroshima in 1945. J. D. Stark imagines what emotions would have been like at this time, and shares that in the historical fiction about one young boy’s decision to do something about it, “Revenge Factor” (ISBN 1466337370).
Asao Ankawa is an 11-year-old boy who loses his entire family, best friend and future wife after the destruction of Hiroshima. Unable to cope with the complete devastation, he loses his inner peace and touch with reality. As he grows older, he begins his plans to punish those responsible for taking his loved ones away.
His revengeful plan throws his current family into substantial turmoil, but Asao is unaware that his employees are arranging a counterplot that could thwart everything he is trying to accomplish. What transpires within the 50 years, from 1945 to 1995, for retribution could result in a New World catastrophe.
Stark doesn’t think of his story as far-fetched when looking at the anger some may feel when they lose a loved one in an unjustifiable manner. In a situation like Hiroshima, the author believes that many more people most likely had the same thoughts as Asao, but simply didn’t act on it.
“I was thinking while traveling on business during the anniversary of the first dropping of an atomic bomb,” Stark says. “I began wondering what if a descendant of a lost one decided to seek revenge against America. It’s not as radical or as unexpected as many would think.”
With Japan in the news due to recent traumatic events, like the earthquake, Stark feels that now is a better time than ever to release “Revenge Factor.” He believes that readers of fictional thrillers will find his work in a unique approach to an event that happened decades ago.
“Revenge Factor” is available for sale online at and other channels.
About the Author: J.D. Stark graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Emporia State University. He worked nearly 40 years for a large consumer products company in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and Tennessee. The husband and father of two left his position as a Business manager of Sales in 2010.
J.D. Stark
Phone: (901) 219-6531
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Direct link: J.D. Stark
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