“Powerful Reactions” (ISBN 1466458828), a novel by Steve Taylor-Jones, tells the story of Rick James, Australian-born engineer for a major U.S. auto manufacturer, and his extended family as they discover and develop a surprising new technology that will forever change how humans travel.
When Rick flies back to Australia for what he thinks will be a relaxing vacation, he visits his uncle Colin and is asked to help with some modifications to a prototype car engine. Through this simple task he learns that his uncle has made a remarkable discovery of a new form of fuel for automobiles that will end humanity’s dependence on oil. As Rick and his extended family work to protect and develop Colin’s discovery, they will find themselves confronting pressure from without, in the form of Rick’s company and rival firms, and within as a previous helpful friend tries to steal the invention for himself.
“Just imagine what would happen if we discovered a true alternative to petroleum fuels,” says Taylor-Jones. “This book tells that story through the lives of the characters working to make it a reality.”
Combining an enthusiasm for automobiles with detailed insight into small business development, the author offers readers a detailed window into what it would be like to make such an important discovery. Written to engage and entertain, the book is aimed at readers interested in a compelling character story, automobiles and the intricacies of small business development.
“Powerful Reactions” is available for sale online at Amazon.com and other channels.
About the Author: Steve Taylor-Jones grew up in England in the 1950s and 60’s and Australia in the 1970s and 80’s, the era of ‘fix-it-yourself’ motorcycle and car ownership. Because of this, his knowledge of automobile engines is better than most but not necessarily expert, as he would be the first to tell you. Taylor-Jones has been a factory process worker, product designer, business manager, software consultant, educator and manufacturing consultant, all at differing levels of competence. Always looking for a story to tell, he enjoys his retirement activities, including writing technical and fictional stories. “Powerful Reactions” is his first novel and he is currently busy working on the sequel. Taylor-Jones lives with his wife Rebecca, his editor, chief critic and best friend, in Denver, Colo. Each year he travels back to Australia, never tiring of the unique lifestyle and fabulous people who live there, including many friends, children and grandchildren in Sydney and Brisbane.
Steve Taylor-Jones
E-mail: Phone: (303) 797-3134
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Direct link: https://prnewschannel.com/2012/01/04/new-novel-depicts-one-familys-development-of-ground-breaking-invention/ SOURCE: Steve Taylor-JonesThis press release is distributed by PR NewsChannel. Your News. Everywhere.