Ginger White tells WAGA-TV in Atlanta that she lost her job since breaking her silence but has no regrets.
Like millions of other Americans, Ginger White is looking for work. She lost her job after admitting a 13-year-long affair with former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain.
She has two children to support plus herself. But she has no regrets coming forward.
“I felt like I did something that took a lot of courage, as did the other women,” White told WAGA, the Atlanta Fox station, in an interview that aired Tuesday. “This was not something that was easy. It’s been tough.”
Cain denies the affair and claims White is lying.
“He can call me troubled. He can call me whatever he wants to call me. I’m honest and not a liar,” White told the station.
White has vast experience in human resources and as a recruiter and is hoping for a Christmas miracle: that she finds a job.
She says the exposure from the Cain ordeal has taken its toll on her and family and, despite what Cain’s attorney continues to claim, she has not made a penny. That was not her motivation and that has not been the accidental outcome.
Meantime, Cain, the former GOP frontrunner who dropped out of the race just days after White went public, was deciding whom to endorse.
“At this point, there are only two people I would consider endorsing, and only two,” Cain told The Hill. “I’m hesitant, however, to endorse because if I endorse one, that may disappoint half of my supporters, and if I endorse the other, it would disappoint the other half. I don’t want to do that. My objective is not to determine the nominee, to be a big influence, it’s to beat Barack Obama.”
SOURCE: The Publicity Agency

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