Facebook marketing: Social media experts watching the sale of the URL ‘FriendonFacebook.com’

The property is represented by Sedo, a leading global domain name marketplace.
(PR NewsChannel) / July 10, 2011 / LOS ANGELES 

Facebook marketing has become so popular, companies advertising on television will promote it’s Facebook page instead of its own webpage.

But for new companies, or those with unfamiliar names, being found on Facebook may be a challenge.  What’s in a name?  Or in this case, what’s in a domain name?  And what could it mean for a Facebook marketing campaign?

The URL ‘FriendonFacebook.com’ is up for sale and industry experts estimate it could sell for six or seven figures, which would certainly create lots of attention in the Facebook marketing world.

“The domain FriendonFacebook.com is a marketer’s dream:  It’s an easy-to-remember catch phrase that can be used in any TV, radio or online campaign to drive consumers to a website,” says Adrian Smith, an internet marketing expert.  “It’s clearly worth a lot of money because of its potential to inject life into Facebook marketing campaigns.”

The “property” is represented by Sedo, a leading global domain name marketplace–sort of a real estate agent for the virtual world.

The URL hits the market as a time when a growing number of businesses have abandoned traditional websites and built their homepages on Facebook, creating a real and complete presence on a Facebook fan page.

Insurance.com sold for $36.5 million.  AsSeenOnTV for $5.1 million, WorldWideWeb.com for $3.5 million.

The actual URL is not established–which in some cases would diminish the value of a URL.    But in this case, it’s not about the number of backlinks, but its marketing potential that makes it so potentially valuable, say experts.

A Google search finds the phrase ‘Friend on Facebook’ on more than 1.7 billion webpages.  There are more than 72 million webpages that explain how to make a friend on Facebook.

The expression is more more popular than ‘see you later’ (3.8 million), ‘Tiger Blood’ (902,000), ‘Don’t worry be happy’ (5.6 million), or even ‘I love you’ (2.7 million).

In his book, ‘Get Rich Click!,’ Marc Ostrofsky compares a domain name on the Internet to real estate on land.

“It’s the location upon which a business is built and where business is conducted,” says Ostrofsky.  “Today domain names routinely sell for $1 million or more and prices are going up daily.”

Marketing experts seek website names that are easy to remember.  And many marketers are choosing Facebook.  The URL ‘FriendonFacebook.com” would appear to a hit on both fronts, at a time when Facebook enjoys phenomenal success.

“Its sheer number of devoted users has prompted numerous Internet marketers to shift their focus from other social media sites like Twitter and YouTube exclusively to Facebook and be a part of the early stage of change,” writes the publication Internet Marketing Daily.  “As Facebook continues to evolve, it will no doubt impact the social media marketing scene in very significant ways, redefining how people plan and strategize their marketing and sales on social media sites.”

FriendonFacebook.com is both a keyword domain for (Search Engine Optimization) SEO purposes, and a catch phrase that’s both easy to remember and used daily by many millions of people.

“The website URL FriendonFacebook.com could clearly be the cornerstone of a Facebook marketing strategy,” says Sam Hollenberg, who calls himself an Internet marketing guru.  “It could be valuable to Facebook or even a company like Google that is in the midst of a war with Facebook.  It could also be a fit for a company that is launching and relying on Facebook heavily but has an obscure, unknown company name.”

For more information about FriendonFacebook.com, visit http://tinyurl.com/6cgqz5e.

DirectLink:  https://prnewschannel.com/2011/07/10/facebook-marketing-social-media-experts-watching-the-sale-of-the-url-friendonfacebook-com/

SOURCE:  Friend on Facebook

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